Trigger Warning

  1. Trigger Warning 3:02
  2. Not Without Me 2:41
  3. Happiness Chaos 3:38
  4. The Time Is Now 2:31
  5. The Clock Strikes 13 4:20
  6. In The Machine 4:26
  7. Counting Down The Days 2:32
  8. Nine Lives 2:50
  9. Arriving, Departing 3:18
  10. Somewhere New 2:36
  11. Sunlit Uplands 2:27
  12. Under Ground 3:03
  13. Take A Seat 2:32
  14. The Tower 2:45
  15. Sweet Escape 3:17
  16. Light In The Sky 2:55
  17. The Search 2:33
  18. Dive 3:09
  19. Give And Take 3:14
  20. In The Fade 3:18
Released July 03, 2020
“Over the next 10 weeks from the 24th of April 2020, I’ll be releasing 2 tracks per week from my new project, Trigger Warning. All tracks from the album will be available to download for free at Not only will they be free to enjoy as a piece of work in their own right(s), these songs will be available to use in whatever your chosen media may be, under the Creative Commons (CC) License. They are intended to be used by anyone and everyone, totally 100% free of charge. There is a variety of material coming over the 10 weeks: from dark and ominous to the light and atmospherical, disturbing and heavy to whimsical and lighthearted. All tracks will be available on all good streaming and digital download services and will be released as a full double-album to enjoy in its entirety, once all tracks have been released. I hope you enjoy, TRIGGER WARNING.” - Jake

Trigger Warning is written, recorded and mixed by Jake Bradford-Sharp. Mastering by the superb Matthew Dempsey.


“As some of my followers here are aware, I have been releasing my latest album ‘Trigger Warning’ in pairs of singles. Two tracks each week for ten weeks, starting back on the 24th of April. I very rarely ‘get political’ on social media, only really using these platforms as an outlet to talk about and promote my work. But in light of the recent world and cultural events, we should all do what we can to take a stand against the abhorrent monster that is racism and actively fight against systemic racism. There’s no simple solution, it won’t change overnight, and it most certainly won’t be easy. However, I took the time to better educate myself and can see one good way for me, personally, to help. And that is to support larger organisations - the charities that are fighting for racial justice, freedom, and campaigning to move us all forward - and use my platform here, albeit small in comparison, to try and help make a change.

With the help of online distributor Distrokid’s fantastic new initiative, I have decided to donate 50% of my direct earnings from the remaining eight tracks (Take A Seat to In The Fade) of my Trigger Warning album to and colorofchange. 25% will go to each organisation. Forever. Every stream or purchase of these songs, on any available platform, will help each of these charities. If any of my followers here disagree with my decision, the notion of achieving racial justice and equality, or can’t see anything wrong with how recent events have been and are being handled, then I don’t want you here and I don’t want you supporting me or my work. Black Lives Matter.” - Jake, Thursday 4th of June, 2020.