The Nu-Jazz Experiments

  1. Experiment #1 / What To Expect 3:34
  2. Experiment #2 / Effronté 3:02
  3. Experiment #3 / Sax on Fire 3:14
  4. Experiment #4 / Put A Step In Your Skip 3:09
  5. Experiment #6 / La Vache Fait Meuh 4:15
  6. Experiment #7 / Through The Fog 3:21
Released February 16, 2018
Prepare to be blown away as Jake Bradford-Sharp takes off in this absolutely exhilarating experimental jam that cannot be classified or categorized. Shaping a breadth of genres into a high-charged and pumping collection of Jazz-based grooves that work so well with cinematic energy.

Released: 16.02.18, JBS Recordings