1. Welcome Home 1:42
  2. Sort It Out 3:29
  3. Three's A Number 4:29
  4. Now Is The Winter of Our Discotent 3:33
  5. In Focus 3:35
  6. Sixes and Sevens 3:38
  7. Land Of Pleasant Living 4:46
  8. Come On 1:44
  9. Just One Egg is Un Œuf, Thanks 4:30
Released May 17, 2019
Blending modern electronica of the ’90s and ’00s with gyspy jazz (jazz manouche) of the '30s and ’40s, Jake Bradford-Sharp’s ‘SIX’ takes you on a journey through time and space leaving you wanting nothing more than to hit play again and keep the party swinging!

Released: 17.05.19, JBS Recordings